Today is Wednesday, February 12 2025 @ 05:27 am PST
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New Server

I've been working on moving my sites over to my new server over the past few months and finally migrated the last site over yesterday. So far, everything seems to be working except for my Facebook gallery app.

Besides saving money, I now have full control over my server instead of the usual ftp account and chrooted shell. Now I can actually rsync out my site and stage out upgrades. I opted to not host email anymore and moved to Google Apps for email. Its free and the best part is that they handle spam filtering for you.

So I dug around my archives for copies of my old website... Too bad I wasn't able to find any of the pre-2000 copies. Here's a few of the good ones... the 2000 one was actually hacked by my friends. Was supposed to be a rat sticking is head out of a cage instead of me :-). Boy its been a long time. Enjoy and click on the picture to visit the actual site. I didn't make any changes to the sites so some links will be broken.







Thats pretty much it for now folks.

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