Today is Wednesday, February 12 2025 @ 06:49 am PST
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Super commute

Its 7:30 pm, been up since 5, and I have another 3 hours before I'm home. Well, the day started almost normal. Woke up early and drove towards work but I detoured and took a flight to LA, rented a car and drove some more to work. Currently undoing all of that now but I'm stuck at the terminal waiting for my flight home. Thanks to my ipod, laptop, and verizon, I have something to do while waiting. Nice little adventure but I'm glad I don't have to do it often.

ATV'ng was a blast. Will definitely do it again! Pretty dangerous though. One person had a close call but I am glad no one got seriously hurt. I hope the sun comes out more often over the upcoming weeks so I can get out more...

In other news, I took down and recently and redirected it to my website :-P. Don't work with them anymore and they're gone now. Getting a good amount of entrances from those domains but I don't really know how or which links. Maybe I'll try to figure that out one of these days. Google Analytics looks pretty nice but I haven't used it too much. Might be better than my buggy ass AW Stats program that I'm using. I think its banned by my ISP but I renamed the script (security through obscurity).

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Back on track

I've finally stopped procrastinating when it comes to posting pictures. Even though I don't take that many pictures these days.

Well, Its been an interesting year so far with many expected and unexpected changes. This year is going way better than last year and I'm very happy. It's been almost one year (Easter weekend) since my incident last year. My life changed a lot but I am happy that I am able to cope with it. That's the only regret I have from last year and besides that, I'd do everything else twice over if I had the chance (almost everything) :-).

I guess its time to grow up... Need to save up more and buy a house/invest/cattle farm or something so I can get more tax shelter. This is going to take some careful thinking and planning.

Besides that, I'm driving with a screw in my tire again. I have to get it fixed today after work and probably start looking for new tires again since these are worn out. This will be my 3rd set on this car.

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Passed 100,000 miles on the car recently... thats an average of 84 miles/day for the past 3 years. Hopefully it'll last for another 3 years.

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Old age

I lost 3 chapsticks within 2 weeks. I can't find them anywhere and I don't remember where I put them.

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I'm still alive

I'm slacking. New pictures will come soon. I promise.

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. . .

Some stuff happening right now. My heart is beating faster... I'm nervous.

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12 Days Til Christmas

I'm in trouble because I've barely started shopping for Christmas presents. I'll try my best to get everything done this week (yeah right).

Weekend was pretty good... had a nice Christmas party with VANCA and Ivy's birthday celebration on Saturday.

Cathy's graduation is this upcoming Saturday (Congratulations Cathy!). And so we have another busy weekend...

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Gallery Migration

Migrating from Gallery 1 to Gallery 2, might take a while...

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Its still raining...

This is the 3rd day that I've had miso soup. Not quite sick of it yet.

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Its raining outside

I really needed that 4 days off. Got pretty close to getting burnt out from work and everything else. I even started ignoring emails and calls from clients. I finally got back to all of them today :-).

Didn't eat much on Thanksgiving (not much of a turkey person). Besides spending 4 hours a Fry's on Friday, my weekend was pretty relaxing.

Got myself a fish tank for my desk at work the other week. Bought 4 fishes and a little crab... snapshots from the pastSuggested Browser: Whatever floats yer boat.